

50 Greatest Cameras of All Time 古今東西最もグレートなカメラ50機種!No,10 - No,1

50 Greatest Cameras of All Time -
50 Greatest Cameras of All Time

photographymonthly.comと言うサイトに、50 Greatest Cameras of All Timeと言う特集をやっています。




キヤノン EOS-1D - Wikipedia -
キヤノン EOS-1D - Wikipedia

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 10 Canon EOS-1D
The 4-megapixel Canon EOS-1D was Canon’s first professional-level DSLR developed in-house, which was hailed as a major breakthrough by professional photographers when it launched in 2001, as it offered 8fps continuous shooting, faster image processing and better performance at higher sensitivities.


Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 9 Nikon F
Introduced in 1959 and an instant classic, the Nikon F introduced the concept of the modular 35mm single-lens reflex camera (SLR) and changed the way in which photographers could take pictures, from the fashion studios of swinging London to the war zones of Vietnam.The F-bayonet mount isstill in use today, andremains essentially unchanged, except for some minor refinements to keep pace with technology.

マップカメラ | マップカメラコレクション | Leica M4-P -
マップカメラ | マップカメラコレクション | Leica M4-P  | ライカとその周辺

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 8 Leica M4
A classic within the legendary M series, the M4 was introduced in 1967 and is the direct successor of the M3and M2. Three ergonomic modifications were introduced in the M4: A different, angled film advance lever, as well as slightly different rewind,self-timer and frame selection levers; a crank for rewinding the film, replacing the telescopic knob of the M3;and a faster loadingsystem that did not needa removable spool.

Mamiya Digital Imaging Co.,Ltd. -
Mamiya Digital Imaging Co.,Ltd.

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 7 Mamiya 7II
The Mamiya 7II is a medium format 6x7cm rangefinder camera with interchangeable leaf shutter lenses but is no bigger than top 35mm SLRs. Quiet, compact and lightweight, the 7II has a panoramic adaptor accessory that can also be added for true 24x65mm panoramic images.

キヤノンEOS 5D Mark II【第1回】改めて感じたフルサイズの良さ -
キヤノンEOS 5D Mark II【第1回】改めて感じたフルサイズの良さ

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 6 Canon EOS 5D Mark II
The camera which brought about the birth of convergence between photographers and filmmakers. The 5D MkII has become a landmark camera which is being used by pro photographers and Hollywood film-makers. The final episode of the US medical drama House was shot on a 5D MkII.

うっちーの時々かめらまん CONTAX RTS III - http://tokidokicameraman.blog1...
うっちーの時々かめらまん CONTAX RTS III

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 5 Contax RTS-3
The RTS (short for Real Time System), was created by the Porsche Design studios and was the beginning of the new Contax line of SLR cameras which brought 13 different models. The RTS-3 became an instant hit with pro photographers the moment it was launched due to its looks, build and image quality.

ミノックス - Wikipedia -
ミノックス - Wikipedia

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 4 Minox
Minox is famed for its subminiature cameras. Originally launched as luxury items, they gained notoriety as a spy camera during the Second World War. Production moved from Latvia to Germany after the war. Minox continues to make miniature cameras today. Just keep it secret!

Hasselblad (ハッセルブラッド)の魅力 | spacewalker -
Hasselblad (ハッセルブラッド)の魅力 | spacewalker

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 3 Hasselblad 500CM
The professional’s first choice medium-format camera for more than 40 years. The 500 was the second generation of the Hasselblad 6x6cm format film and was launched in 1957. Strong build, high-quality lenses and ease of use have made it the professional photographer’s friend, whatever they are shooting.

ニコンD3S - デジカメWatch -
ニコンD3S - デジカメWatch

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 2 Nikon D3s
The latest top pro offering in the Nikon range. The D3s has broken new ground with its incredibly high ISO capability and super tough build and construction. Designed to meet the needs of the most demanding of pro photographers, it deliversand then some.

In The Soup : KODAK BROWNIE HAWKEYE  コダック・ブローニー・ホークアイ -
In The Soup : KODAK BROWNIE HAWKEYE  コダック・ブローニー・ホークアイ

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 1 Kodak Brownie
The Brownie, launched in 1900, popularised low-cost photography and introduced the concept of the snapshot. The original cardboard box camera took 2.25in sq pictures. The 127 modelsold millions from1952 to 1967.


史上最高のカメラ50選(50位〜31位) | [246]ログ -
史上最高のカメラ50選(50位〜31位) | [246]ログ




ちなみに、私の歴代愛機はYASHICAエレクトロ35、CANON Ftb、CONTAX初代RTS、YASHICA FX3Super、デジカメはNikon E5000、DSC-R1、sonyNEX−3ですけど??w



50 Greatest Cameras of All Time 古今東西最もグレートなカメラ50機種!No,20-11

50 Greatest Cameras of All Time -
50 Greatest Cameras of All Time

photographymonthly.comと言うサイトに、50 Greatest Cameras of All Timeと言う特集をやっています。





Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 20 Olympus Trip
The Trip 35 was introduced in 1967 and discontinued in 1984. The name referred to its intended market, people who wanted a compact camera for holidays. More than ten million were sold. This point and shoot model had a solar powered selenium light meter and just two shutter speeds. Although the Trip is coming back into fashion due to its quality and ecological credentials, you can pay as little as £10 for one.

Rui Morais de Sousa AL-MOST-LY PHOTOGRAPHY: Gandolfi Precision 20x25cm/8x10 inches - Photo Gear (10) -
Rui Morais de Sousa AL-MOST-LY PHOTOGRAPHY: Gandolfi Precision 20x25cm/8x10 inches - Photo Gear (10)

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 19 Gandolfi
The maker of one of the greatest handmade large-format cameras ever made. Based in London, ithas been making and repairing cameras since 1885.


Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 18 Pentax 6x7
A fond favourite of any pro who worked with it throughout the seventies and eighties despite its weight and tendency to spend more time being repaired than used. The Pentax 6x7 looks like and is operated like a regular 35mm SLR camera but is loaded with either 120 or 220 roll film, which produces 10 or 206x7 format exposures. You have to love this camera with its wooden handle attachment and tank-like construction.

Rollei35 fanSite ・・・ Rollei35owner'z ・・・ -
Rollei35 fanSite ・・・ Rollei35owner'z ・・・

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 17 Rollei 35
The Rollei 35 is a 35mm miniature viewfinder camera launched in 1966, when it was the smallest 135 film camera ever. Even today the Rollei 35 series remains the smallest mechanically working 35mm cameras ever built.

コンタフレックス・スーパーBC (Contaflex Super BC)テッサー50mmF2.8 (Tessar 50mmF2.8)| クラシックカメラの修理・メンテナンスのハヤタ・カメララボ -
コンタフレックス・スーパーBC (Contaflex Super BC)テッサー50mmF2.8 (Tessar 50mmF2.8)| クラシックカメラの修理・メンテナンスのハヤタ・カメララボ

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 16 Zeiss Contaflex Super BC
The Contaflex SLR, introduced in 1953, was one of the first 35mm SLR cameras equipped with a between-the-lens leaf shutter. The Super, launched in 1959, is easily recognisable by the wheel on the front plate for setting the aperture.

The Classic Camera ライカ III -
The Classic Camera ライカ III

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 15 Leica III
This quirky rangefinder launched in 1933 used a coupled rangefinder distinct from the viewfinder. The latter was set for a 50mm lens and to use other lenses required an alternate viewfinder on the accessory socket.

オリンパス・ペン - Wikipedia -
オリンパス・ペン - Wikipedia

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 14 Olympus Pen
The Pen half-frame, fixed-lens viewfinder cameras were made from 1959 to the start of the eighties. The original was one of the smallest cameras to use 35mm film in 135 cassettes.

Polaroid SX-70 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
Polaroid SX-70 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 13 Polaroid SX-70
The original SX-70 was beautiful with a folding body finished in brushed chrome and tan leather panels. It had a whole array of accessories, including a close-up lens, electrical remote shutter release and a tripod mount.

Ilford Witness

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 12 Ilford Witness
The Ilford Witness was a rangefinder with interchangeable lenses announced in 1947, but not released until 1953 because of manufacturing difficulties. A true industry secret due to its quality and rarity.

DMC-GF1|Gシリーズ|デジタルカメラ LUMIX(ルミックス)|Panasonic -
各部名称・仕様表|DMC-GF1|Gシリーズ|デジタルカメラ LUMIX(ルミックス)|Panasonic

Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 11 Panasonic GF1
Released in 2009, the Panasonic GF1 has a strong following among pro and enthusiast photographers as a compact system camera which can change the way you can create images. Great quality of build and image.


史上最高のカメラ50選(50位〜31位) | [246]ログ -
史上最高のカメラ50選(50位〜31位) | [246]ログ