50 Greatest Cameras of All Time - http://www.photographymonthly.com/Magazin...
photographymonthly.comと言うサイトに、50 Greatest Cameras of All Timeと言う特集をやっています。
Nikon 1 V1 - デジカメWatch - http://dc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs...
Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 50 Nikon 1 series (Nikon V1 and Nikon J1)
Perhaps the most controversial camera on this list, the Nikon 1 cameras – the Nikon V1 and Nikon J1 – mark Nikon’s first venture into the CSC market, and as one would expect the company spent considerable time and energy getting it right. What we have as a result is a small, compact body with incredible speed – 60fps continuous shooting speed, 10fps speed in AF mode and it can process images at 600 megapixels per second. We believe Nikon has set the bar here, and several years for now we’ll look back to the V1 and J1 as turning points as we do a number of the other cameras on this list.
ニコンD300S - デジカメWatch - http://dc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs...
Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 49 Nikon D300s
Another big favourite with our readers. The D300S is a 12.3 megapixel DX format model launched in 2009. It replaced the D300 as Nikon’s DX format flagship DSLR by adding HD video recording (with autofocus). It has similarities to the Nikon D700, with the same resolution, but has a smaller, higher-density sensor.
PENTAX K1000 / プラボディ あさぺんのへや/ウェブリブログ -http://61174813.at.webry.info/200705...
Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 48 Pentax K1000
The K1000 was produced from 1976 to 1997 and if you went to art school during this period it was probably the camera you were given to use. They are still being handed out today! The K1000’s longevity makes it significant, despite its ordinary design. It was already technically obsolete in 1976, but its inexpensive simplicity made it a popular workhorse.
世界一美しい大型カメラ・Sinar−S<4> - 平成中野学校 - Yahoo!ブログ -http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/koudook...
Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 47 Sinar Norma
Invented in 1947 asa large-format camera of high precision and simple operation, with a system of parts that were readily interchangeable. The name Sinar is an acronym forStudio, Industry, Nature, Architecture, Reproduction, which sums up the versatility of the system. The Sinar Norma, made from 1947 to 1970, is a technological and industrial design icon.
【新製品レビュー】ニコンD90 - http://dc.watch.impress.co.jp/cda...
Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 46 Nikon D90
The D90 is a 12.3 megapixel model launched in 2008 to replace the D80 and it is a firm favourite with our readers. The updated model includes live view capability and automatic correction of lateral chromatic aberration. It was also the first DSLR to offer video recording, with the ability to record HD 720p videos, with mono sound, at 24 frames per second and has a high resolution rear LCD screen. A built-in autofocus motor means that all Nikon F-mount autofocus lenses (except for the two rare Nikon F3AF) can be used in autofocus mode. The D90 was also the first Nikon camerato include a third firmware module, labelled ‘L’, which provides an updateable lens distance integration database that improves autoexposure.
[object HTMLImageElement] - http://www.photovoicebb.com/column...
Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 45 Canon F-1
The Canon F-1 was producedby Canon from 1971 to 1976 and was the model that saw the introduction of the Canon FD lens mount. The F-1 was Canon’s first truly professional-grade SLR system, supporting a huge variety of accessories and interchangeable parts so it could be adapted for different uses and preferences.
pentax auto110 - http://homepage3.nifty.com/yamaca...
Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 44 Pentax Auto 110
Launched in 1978 the Pentax Auto 110 and Pentax Auto 110 Super were single-lens reflex cameras made by Asahi Pentax. The Auto 110 was introduced with three interchangeable lenses. A precursor to today’s compact camera systems it claims to have been the smallest interchangeable-lens SLR system created made to professional quality.
【伊達淳一のデジタルでいこう!】ペンタックスK20D - http://dc.watch.impress.co.jp/cda...
Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 43 Pentax K20D
The K20D body was developed by Pentax while its CMOS sensor was manufactured by Samsung, which became Pentax’s partner in 2005. Until 2008, the K20D held the record for the highest resolution sensor in the APS-C image sensor format,at 14.6 megapixels.
Hasselblad 503CW - 晴れ,時々BUHI!! - http://blog.goo.ne.jp/camero_...
Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 42 Hasselblad 503CW
The Hasselblad that brings old school to new ways. The 503CW can deal with analogue and digital capture thanks to the range of digital backs available. The perfect option for those unwilling to give up film.
【レビュー】ソニー α900 実写インプレッション (1) αシリーズ初の35mmフルサイズセンサー搭載機 | 家電 | マイナビニュース - http://news.mynavi.jp/article...
Greatest Cameras of All Time... No. 41 Sony Alpha 900
Launched in September 2008, the Sony ?900 offers a host of pro features and includes a massive 24.6-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor which makes it an obvious inclusion in our list for that reason alone.
史上最高のカメラ50選(50位〜31位) | [246]ログ - http://www.246g.com/log246...
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